公司目前主要从事橡胶行业的会展及贸易业务。会展主要是主办中国国际橡胶技术展览会(RubberTech China)、中国国际轮胎及后市场展览会和在全球布局RubberTech品牌系列的国际橡胶专业展览会,同时还提供海外十多个国家相关专业展会的组展组团服务。贸易主要是从事橡胶原辅材料的进出口和国内的销售业务。
中联橡胶始终秉承“以人为本”的思想,奉行 “诚信共荣”的价值观,倡导“快乐工作、健康生活”的理念。
China United Rubber Corporation (short as CURC) was established in 1993. After the development of more than 20 years, it has become a reputable company for trading and exhibition service in the rubber industry both at home and abroad. CURC’s stock (code: 838665) has been publicly traded at NEEQ (National Equities Exchange and Quotations) since Oct 21, 2016.
CURC is mainly engaged in the business of exhibition and trading in the rubber industry. The exhibition business includes organization of RubberTech China (the International Exhibition on Rubber Technology), TIREPLUS Show (The International Exhibition on Tire and Auto Aftermarket) and other exhibitions of RubberTech series, as well as participation service for relative foreign exhibitions. The trading business includes the import and export as well as domestic distribution of rubber raw materials, tire and rubber products and rubber machinery.
CURC adheres to the ideology of “taking the people as the foremost”, advocates the concept of “work joyfully and live a healthy life" and pursues the core value of “common prosperity with integrity”.
The company is willing to work with its counterparts to enhance friendship, expand cooperation and obtain mutual prosperity!

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