合成橡胶工业 |
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阻燃型NBR改性PVC软质泡沫塑料的研制 张军 梁亚平 摘 要:在以聚氯乙烯(PVC)为主体材料、加入丁腈橡胶(NBR)共混改性、用化学交联模压一步法制备改性PVC泡沫塑料的基础上,选用阻燃型增塑剂氯化石蜡(CP)、阻燃剂Sb2O3进行阻燃型NBR改性PVC软质泡沫塑料的制备研究。结果表明,当用Pvc100份(质量份,下同)、NBR60份、邻苯二甲酸二辛酯30份、CP30份、Sb2038份、偶氮二甲酰胺4.0份、N,N′-二亚硝基五次甲基四胺4.0份、过氧化二异丙苯1.0份及适量稳定剂时,可使NBR改性PVC软质泡沫塑料的氧指数达到27.0%,综合力学性能较好。电镜分析表明,阻燃型NBR改性PVC软质泡沫塑料的泡孔分布均匀性不如非阻燃型同类产品的好。 Preparation of flame- retardant PVC foam modified by nitrile rubber
Zhang Jun(College of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Chemical Technology,Nanjing, Jiangsu 210009) Abstract:Using chemical crosslinking technologyand one-step compression molding process, thefoaming technique of flame-retardant polyvinylchloride(PVC) foamed plastics modified by nitrilerubber(NBR) was studied. The effects of chlorinatedparaffin(CP) , dioctyl phthalate(DOP), Sb203, mod-ified rubber types, blowing agents, fillers andcrosslinking agent on modified flame - retardant PVCfoam were discussed. The optimum recipe (phr) wasas follow: PVC 100, NBR 60, DOP 30, CP 30, Sb2038, blowing agent AC 4. 0, blowing agent H 4. 0,dicamyl peroxide 1.0. The oxygen index of flame -retardant PVC foam was 27.0% and the mechanicalproperties were good. The experiment of electronmicroscope showed that the cellular structure offlame- retardant PVC foamed plastics was not sogood as that of flammable PVC foamed plastics. |