合成橡胶工业 |
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搅拌设备设计专家系统 冯连芳 王嘉骏 顾雪萍 王凯 摘 要:搅拌设备设计专家系统,采用人工智能技术与传统设计程序相结合的方法,实现从搅拌桨选型、过程设计、机械设计和经济分析评价,到最终机械绘图的全过程的智能化计算机辅助设计。此智能系统可为用户提供有关搅拌设备选型、设计和优化的系统指导和帮助。详细阐述了设计过程的多任务模型、系统接口设计和辅助功能模块。 An expert system for mixing equipment process design
Feng Lianfang(National Key Laboratory of Polymer Reaction Engineering,College of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China) Abstract:The development of an expert system for mixing equipment selection, design and optimization (MIXiCAD) including agitator selection, process design, mechanical detailed design, technical- economics justification and mechanical drawing was addressed. The merging of artificial intelligent technology and conventional design program put mixing equipment design automatically into realities. This intelligent system could offer systematic assistance for mixing equipment design and evaluate in the early stage of agitator selection, as far as possible, get detailed mechanical drawing. The multi- task model of the design process, system interface and several important auxiliary function components were illustrated in detail. |
基金项目:国家“九五”科技攻关项目(编号:97319030102)。 作者简介:冯连芳,1963年生,男,副教授。E-mail:mixer@cmsce.zju.edu.cn。 作者单位:冯连芳(浙江大学材料与化工学院聚合反应工程国家重点实验室,浙江杭州310027) 王嘉骏(浙江大学材料与化工学院聚合反应工程国家重点实验室,浙江杭州310027) 顾雪萍(浙江大学材料与化工学院聚合反应工程国家重点实验室,浙江杭州310027) 王凯(浙江大学材料与化工学院聚合反应工程国家重点实验室,浙江杭州310027) 参考文献:
[1]Andre B, Jerry R M, Gary M B. Computerizing the steps of mixer selection[J]. Chem Eng, 1994(3):120 收稿日期:2000年5月27日 修稿日期:2000年12月1日 出版日期:2001年3月1日 |