合成橡胶工业 |
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NR/BR/SBR共混胎面胶用均匀分散剂 隋刚 赵素合 摘 要:阐述了适用于NR/BR/SBR共混体系的均匀分散剂研制原理,对所研制的均匀分散剂的综合应用效果进行了测试与分析,并与德国同类产品Mediaplast40进行了对比。结果表明,当脂肪烃树脂、芳香烃树脂、不饱和醇酸酯及皂类混合物之间配比为3∶3∶1∶3时制得的均匀分散剂THD可以改善胶料混合的均匀性,提高炭黑的分散效果,并且节约混炼能耗,增加了胶料的耐老化性能,对硫化胶的力学性能影响不大。均匀分散剂THD的综合性能与Mediaplast40相当,具有使用价值。 Development of homogenizing- dispersing agent used in NR/BR/SBR tread rubber
Sui Gang(Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029,China) Abstract:The developed mechanism of homogenizing- dispersing agent used in NR/BR/SBR was expounded, and the application effect of the developed homogenizing- dispersing agent was tested and analyzed. When the compounding ratio of aliphatic resin, aromatic resin, unsaturated hydroxy acid ester, and metallic soap blends was 3∶ 3∶ 1∶ 3, the homogenizing- dispersing agent THD was produced. The results showed that THD conforming to comixing theory of polymer improved the uniformity of rubber mixture and increased the dispersing effect of carbon black. THD could also save energy used in course of mixing and plastication, and enhance the aging resistance property of rubber. The developed homogenizing- dispersing agent had a little effect on the mechanical properties of rubber and preferable value in use. |