合成橡胶工业 |
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Synergistic toughening effect of nano calcium carbonate and EPDM-g-MAH on polypropylene Jiang Sujun(Department of Polymer Materials Science and
Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China) 纳米碳酸钙和三元乙丙橡胶接枝马来酸酐协同增韧聚丙烯 姜苏俊 李光宪 陆玉本 吴兆权 乡志来 摘 要:纳米碳酸钙和三元乙丙橡胶接枝马来酸酐对聚丙烯具有显著的协同增韧作用,可能是因为纳米碳酸钙和三元乙丙橡胶接枝马来酸酐之间发生物理化学作用,形成一种新的核壳结构(硬核软壳),与一般的核壳增韧剂(硬壳软核)
完全不同 . |
A traditional way
to toughen the plastic materials is to blend them with a kind of suitable rubber or
thermoplastic elastomers[1~ 2].This way is capable of raising their impact strength in a
large scale,nevertheless,as a severe side effect,their stiffness and strength decreases
greatly.An alternative way is to add a certain kind of organic[3] or inorganic[4] rigid
particles into the objective plastics.As a result,their toughness,stiffness,and strength
might be raised simulatanously,but not very effectively at all.In this article,we have
developed a novel method to engineer a general polypropylene(PP),where nano calcium
carbonate(nm-CaCO3) and ethylene-propylene-diene copolymer grafted maleic
anhydride(EPDM-g-MAH) synergistically toughens PP multitudinously,while its modulus and
strength is almost unchanged. |
Author Resume:Jiang Sujun,doctoral
student. Li Guangxian, To whom all correspondence should be addressed. 姜苏俊(四川大学高分子材料科学与工程系,四川成都,610065) 李光宪(四川大学高分子材料科学与工程系,四川成都,610065) 陆玉本(东莞毅兴塑料原料有限公司,广东东莞,523940) 吴兆权(东莞毅兴塑料原料有限公司,广东东莞,523940) 乡志来(东莞毅兴塑料原料有限公司,广东东莞,523940) References: [1]Jang B Z,Uhlmann D R,Vadar S J B.J
Appl Polym Sci,1984(29):3 409
Manuscript Received:2001年11月21日 Published:2002年1月15日 |
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