合成橡胶工业 |
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Effect of maleic anhydride grafted SEBS on properties of polypropylene/carbon nanotube composites Xie Xiaolin(Department of Chemistry,Huazhong University of Science and
Technology,Wuhan 430074,China) 马来酸酐接枝 SEBS对聚丙烯 / 碳纳米管复合材料性能的影响 解孝林 周兴平 谭菁 胡红春 吴红兵 张经武 摘 要:采用球磨和熔融共混法,制备了聚丙烯(PP)/碳纳米管(CNT)/马来酸酐接枝
SEBS(MA-SEBS)复合材料.结果表明,MA-SEBS促进了 CNT在 PP基体中的分散,形成完善的逾渗网络,改善了
PP/CNT复合材料的抗静电性,提高了 CNT 对 PP的增强作用,对 PP/CNT复合材料有明显的增韧作用
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nanotube(CNT) composites have attracted considerable attention because of their unique
physical properties[1~ 3].Recently,the CNT are used to reinforce the ceramic and metal
composites due to its high length-to-diameter ratio,strength,elastic modulus,flexibility
and unique conductivity along with other properties[4~ 6].Xie Xiaolin and his
co-workers[7] found that maleic anhydride grafted styrene-(ethylene-co-butylene)-styrene
copolymer(MA-SEBS) can effectively toughen the PP-matrix composites. |
Foundation Item:Supported by National
Natural Science Foundation of China(50003005) and Wuhan Petrochemical Corporation of
SINOPEC. Author Resume:Xie xiaolin, Ph D,Professor. 解孝林(华中科技大学化学系,湖北武汉,430074) 周兴平(华中科技大学化学系,湖北武汉,430074) 谭菁(中国石化股份有限公司武汉分公司,湖北武汉,430082) 胡红春(中国石化股份有限公司武汉分公司,湖北武汉,430082) 吴红兵(中国石化股份有限公司武汉分公司,湖北武汉,430082) 张经武(中国石化股份有限公司武汉分公司,湖北武汉,430082) References: [1]Stephan C,Nguyen T P,Chapelle M
L,et al.Synthetic Metals,2000(108):139
Manuscript Received:2001年9月3日 Published:2002年1月15日 |
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