合成橡胶工业 |
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乳液聚合丁腈橡胶聚合过程的稳态模拟 张小平 李辉 赵环宇 摘 要:运用美国Aspen Tech公司研发的Polymer Plus软件模拟乳液聚合丁腈橡胶生产中聚合部分的流程,通过对热力学参数的拟合和反应动力学参数的调整,建立了牌号为N 41的丁腈橡胶聚合部分的模型.8个反应釜的模拟结果表明转化率、丙烯腈结合率和数均相对分子质量均符合乳液聚合机理的特性,与生产现场实验室分析结果能较好地吻合,相对误差在4%以内.将此热力学和动力学参数系统应用于牌号为N 32的丁腈橡胶的模拟过程中,对参数的准确性进行考察,结果表明反应模型具有较好的适应性,模拟结果与实验室分析结果的相对误差在5%以内. Steady-state simulation of emulsion polymerization process in acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber production Zhang Xiaoping(Lanzhou Petrochemical Engineering Company, CNPC, Lanzhou 730060, China) Li Hui(Lanzhou Petrochemical Engineering Company, CNPC, Lanzhou 730060, China) Zhao Huanyu (Lanzhou Petrochemical Engineering Company, CNPC, Lanzhou 730060, China) Abstract:Using software Polymer Plus, the steady-state simulation of emulsion polymerization process in acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber(NBR) production was conducted. The reaction model for NBR 41 was established through adjusting thermodynamic parameters and reaction kinetic parameters. The simulation results for 8 reactors showed that all conversion, bound acrylonitrile and relative molecular mass could meet the emulsion polymerization mechanism and coincide with analysis data in production with relative error below 4%.The reaction model was applied to NBR 32 to verify its accuracy,and the results indicated that the model was satisfied for NBR 32. |
收稿日期:2008年12月29日 修稿日期:2009年11月19日 出版日期:2010年1月15日 |